Meet Our Miracle Baby Frankie
We had a good Samaritan reach out to say she was hearing puppies by the river but couldn't find them. We went. After searching and searching we found Frankie and his two brothers underneath a crate with a huge rock on top. The crate was right by the river that was about to rise because it was raining heavy. They were dumped there and left to die. They could never get out of that crate. We are so thankful we found them. However, Frankie had distemper. This is a deadly disease that very few survive. with a lot of medical attention and prayer he did it! He survived and is absolutely perfect in every way. He beat it and came out as healthy as can be. He is going to live a very long and happy life. Every time we look at home we can’t help but smile. Frankie is verrryyyy loving. Like very! If there was a prize for the best puppy kisses, He hands down wins. ? He is 10 months old and weighs around 45 pounds. He is fully vetted. You may also call (760) 533-2200.